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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Laziz Lamb Handi

Lamb cubes stirred in with assorted masalas, yogurt and cream. Served with naan or steamed rice.


1/2 kg lamb leg cubes, boneless

500 gm desi ghee

6 onions, chopped

2 Tbsp ginger, crushed

2 Tbsp garlic paste

3-5 bay leaf

3 green cardamom

2 cinnamon (whole)

1 Tbsp cumin seeds

1 Tbsp coriander seeds (whole)

1 tsp mace (javitri)

1 1/2 tsp dry ginger powder

1/2 Tbsp red chilli powder

Salt to taste

5 tomatoes

2 cups yogurt

1 serving spoon cream


Wash lamb cubes well and strain excess water.

Now heat oil/(desi ghee) in a pan and saute onion till light brown.

Then add crushed ginger, garlic paste and saute.

Next, add all the other spices with tomatoes and cook for 10-15 minutes. Keep adding water as required.

Now add mutton. Cook for 10-15 minutes more.

Add 1 liter water and steam on low flame for 30 minutes, or till tender.

Turn up flame and add yogurt and cream mixed together. Keep stirring till it comes to a boil, to avoid splitting of yogurt.

Cook till gravy becomes thick and a little dry.

Serve with naan or steamed rice.

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