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Wednesday, April 25, 2012



• Mince meat (buff, beef,mutton,chicken): 150 g.

• Egg white: 1 nos.

• Cold brown stock: 1.5 liter.

• Mirepoix: 100 g.

• Bouquet garni: As required

• Salt: to taste

• Parsle : As required


• Throughly mix the mincement, salt, egg albumen, mirepoix, bouquet garni and 250 ml. cold stocks in a thick-bottomed pan.

• Place over gentle heat, add remaining stock.

• Bring to boil in gentle heat, add simmer it for 1.5-2 hours without stirring.

• Strain carefully through double muslin.

• Remove all fat by scumming timely and correct the seasoning. The colour should appear amber and it should be clear.

Garnish: chopped parsleys

Accompaniment: bread/rolls

Utensils: sauce pan or stock pot, soup ladle, cutting knife and board, perforated spoon and meslin cloth.

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