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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lambe or mutton stew


• Bone lesss Lambe/mutton – 600 g.

• Oil – 3 tbl. spoon

• Potato, carrot, turnip & beans – 350 g.

• Refined flour – 25 g.

• Fine chopped onion & garlic – 100 g.

• Brown stock – 1litre

• Bouquet garni – As required

• Tomato puree – 2 tbl.spoon

• Salt and pepper – to taste

• Chopped parsley - As required

• Red wine (opt) - As required


• Trim the meat and cut into even pieces (cubed cut)

• Cut the vegetables into required shapes.

• Heat the pan, add oil and butter (opt).

• Add chopped onion and garlic, stir and fry till light brown stock,stir.

• Add meat and vegetable, stir.

• Add refined flour, stir and cook till light brown and add brown stock, stir.

• Add tomato puree, bouquet garni, stir and bring to boil.

• Correct the seasoning and simmer gently till cooked and garnish.

Garnish: chopped parley

Accompaniment: plain rice/breads

Utensils: deep boiling pan, spatula, sauce ladle, cutting knife and board

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